October 17, 2002

"Everybody got spoiled," Mr. Fulbright said. "People expect it now."

This is a fascinating article about computers revolutionizing Broadway productions. (NYTimes - Registration may be required to read it, but its free.) When looking at Theatre at La Salle (which will, hopefully, get intellegent lighting for three weeks for "Footloose,") the entire article is disheartening, however, a quick mention is made at the end of the article about people still being taught to do lighting as if "you have six lights and six dimmers." The article also mentioned a fifteen minute light cue that simulated daylight moving across a room...reminds me of "Triumph of Love," with its "revolutionary" 2 minute light cue that did kinda the same thing...

The opening "title" of this entry comes from the article, and yeah, its sadly true. I'd rather see a show and be involved with a show that did the technology transparently, in the background without anyone noticing though; it feels like "truer" theater. Helicopters, chandeliers, and strobe lights...but only if they fit the script and don't overshadow the actors doing their jobs.

There was one other thing I wanted to mention today...I wound up sitting in the food court in the union yesterday with Kevin, Tom, Steve, and Michelle. Initially, it was just Tom, Kevin and I, and people just came into the group as the passed by us in the old smoking section by the doors.

It was a great random conversation, one that I remember now not for content but just that I was there, and how wonderful it felt to be there. I laughed a lot, and surprised myself how loudly it echoed around the close-to-empty room. It felt like we were back in freshman year again; Tom and Michelle had walked in from down the hall, while Kevin and Steve played Bad News Baseball as I watched and laughed.

It was a great feeling; felt totally comfortable, lauging, making stupid jokes, just enjoying the company of some people I haven't had the pleasure of being with enough this year. Definitely something to seek out again.

I'm home now, again...the trip was uneventful thank God. Just under 2 hours again...stupid people annoy me whilst driving, especially those who: a) drive in EZPass Express lanes doing 55, merging at the last second of the toll plaza into a non-EZPass lane...and b) fifteen year olds in fancy cars that daddy bought them trying to merge ignoring their blind spot where I've been trying to merge before they start.

Blah...I sound like Andy Rooney.

But it is good to be home, I guess. Its boring...wait, I mean, relaxing. If you're around drop me a message. I need some stuff to fill time

Posted by Matthew at October 17, 2002 11:31 PM
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