August 21, 2002

You haven't missed much...

Really, you haven't.

Training, as training can be, had its ups and downs. There was a lot of stuff to go over, and a lot of stuff that I knew I know already from last year, and from past years. It ranged from being a much needed refresher course to just being plain boring. The highlight and the capstone of Training, I think, is Behind Closed Doors, a confrontation simulation where the returning RA's create situations that the new RA's have to confront/work with. It brings out the hidden actor in all of us; whether called on to be drunk student number three, or more broad in my case, "complaining student."

I threw whatever I could at them - "What the hell am I paying $30,000 a year for!" "My furniture is from the Truman Administration!" "$120 for parking?!?!" "I've killed a dozen cockroaches so far this morning!"

They handled it incredibly well: nobody broke down, nobody cried, nobody was fired - all fears/happenings of previous years. Community Development feels ready to handle the incoming people. The halls have been ready since the last person left - I've been saying all summer how boring the halls are without people.

My floors are starting to look lived in; I have one resident thus far. I have menus posted. I have some policy signs posted. I have the beginnings of one bulletin board, and one display done. Tomorrow is nothing but a work day - THANK GOD! - so as to be 100% ready for Thursday.

T minus 1 day and counting.

Posted by Matthew at August 21, 2002 12:28 AM
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