July 18, 2002

They were only freshmen...

your fearless Day One heroes, ladies and gentlemen

Today sees the end of Day One for the class of 2006. Congratulations to the class and hosts: you both succeeded admirably: 850 freshmen advised, 850 sets of parents told to let go, 1700+ meals served, 60 cheers performed, 8 tired hosts who gave it their all to the degree that the assistant dean asked "I was wondering when you were going to lose your steam...and you never did."

It has been an incredible summer: the people that I've had the opportunity to meet and hang out with were great. I understand La Salle and Philadelphia more, making the coming year seem like a piece of cake. I have a new energy to approach studies and school. I now know the 10 people that I lived with in ways that I never thought that I would. There were things I did that I never knew I could do: stand in front of a group of 100+ parents and describe a vague concept so that they understood, stood in front of a group of my peers (the freshmen) and have them create a cheer to be performed, and then actually perform the cheer on stage in as creative a way as possible. I can only say "dang" at the feats performed in the last 3 months.

Its gonna feel weird on Monday not having to get up and do it again: we all knew it was the end, but for me at least, it hasn't set in. Its over: and all I got was 2 polo shirts.

I'm heading home on Friday night for an Orioles game on Saturday, and then coming back for duty on Sunday.

Summer went by too fast.

Posted by Matthew at July 18, 2002 11:52 PM
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