April 04, 2002

Its been a good day.

Its been a good day. If only the weather had held up, but oh well...

First off, I got Day One! Day One is the orientation program for incoming Freshmen at La Salle. I applied to be a live-in host, which meant I would live on campus (in the awesome townhouses) and would work in an administrative department as well as be a host in the program. I'm looking forward to working with the freshmen, and the other hosts, and am looking forward to staying in Philadelphia for the summer.

I got another A on my script pages for class. These were the mid-three pages due last week. Its encouraging, because I've been writing the script more or less constantly this past week and have about 17 pages done (out of about 100-120). I just want to finish it, and see about sending it off to some contests - get my name out there and stuff. I'm pleased with how it's coming: I haven't hit a major block yet, and have the story mapped out as I see it finishing. With luck, it will be done by the end of school. I need to turn in about 30 pages for class credit; I'll definitely have at least that much.

Its been a great week. My father got in safely today from Oklahoma City, from a business trip. Placement forms for RA/community development came out today and I have to decide where I want to be.

I have to write a proposal for a documentary for class tomorrow. I have no ideas. sigh. Off to write that now.

Posted by Matthew at April 4, 2002 12:49 AM
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