February 10, 2003

Weekend Wrapup

The weekend from hell is over. Being trapped in my room for two nights on duty really, really, really sucks.

The best part of duty is rounds, because its the one time that you're out of the room. You're talking to people, sometimes when they're in varied states of intoxication which can make for some interesting conversations. Or, people will see the clipboard and hear the keys and will make a beeline for a doorway and the door will slam.

Between rounds this weekend, it turned out to be a lot of television and random web surfing. People went out of town, or were out, or something, it seemed. Boring, boring, boring duty.

Saturday is my 21st. Anyone up for dinner that night somewhere? Drop me a line... I don't want to get wasted-drunk, but wouldn't mind having a legal drink out somewhere... and maybe sign something in too to the dorms.

Other than that, this week will probably be like every other week. Meetings, classes, papers...ah the drudgery of college.

Posted by Matthew at February 10, 2003 12:43 AM
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