March 04, 2003


Why did La Salle choose to put their spring break in the first week of March? Why does this spring break correspond with the beginning of Lent? Why did my plans fall through?

Questions like these are kinda depressing and confusing.

It was two years ago tonight that the riots on South Street happened. The Inquirer says there were 40,000 2 years ago. I was crammed in there, in front of Johnny Rockets and Fat Tuesdays around 4th Street, trying to find/meet up with the rest of my friends that had gone, that was a fun night. Except for the part about not being able to move at all while in the crowd: pressed between metal barricades, and police on horses. We got out before the bad stuff began to happen, thank was funny afterwards that a friend's parents had seen coverage of the riots - on CNN, in Trinidad.

The break has been somewhat useful thusfar in that I was able to finally get a haircut and my new license with me facing forward, proving to bouncers and bartenders everywhere that I am 21. I was able to sit down with the parents too and go over possible plans for grad school - my father seems to be into the idea of me going to the University of Iowa to pursue a MFA in Creative Writing. I'm excited about it too - its a possibility, a plan, something to shoot for and give the upcoming months some directions.

If I really want to write, that's what I think I should do - it'd be 3 years of workshops and special seminars dedicated to the enterprise of writing. My hope is just that I have something to say.

Oh yeah, today was productive as well in that I got tickets to "tick...tick...boom!" on Friday night - good seats as well. Cross one more thing off my todo list.

Posted by Matthew at March 4, 2003 11:33 PM

go for it, that sounds like a great direction to be going in.

Posted by: lou on March 10, 2003 03:19 PM
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