June 20, 2004


I really haven't been up to much lately. To enumerate, sparsely and chronologically -

I was sick and sleep deprived for most of last weekend. Most of the week was spent running errands around Baltimore. Friday night was a get together at Crit's house, which was fantastic. My "wife" (**cough**, you gotta love the Masque...) was there, and just happy conversations were all around. It was refreshing too, to talk to a couple of other grads who are in the same lurch that I feel I'm in - home, bored, no job, unsure of what's coming next, etc.

Speaking of, my timetable to move to Philadelphia has been moved back...right now the hope is to be completely in by the first week of July. I think I'm still at the point now where all that has to happen is a check-for-key exchange. That, and getting my stuff up to Philly. Hopefully the key will come this week, and I can get some stuff up there before Friday.

These past few days I've also been going through all the stuff that I've accumulated over the past four years. Most of it has gotten either piled in boxes in a corner of the basement (moved there gradually from the piles that were originally in the living room after each successive move-out) and in boxes in my closet in my room. I've found everything from three year old duty schedules, to notebooks from junior english classes, to papers from high school that I was convinced I had thrown away years ago. A lot of it got thrown away, finally. I did manage to relocate all of my play scripts from the past couple of years to my room.

What I have been doing the most of seems to be reading. In honor of Bloomsday being this past week, I picked up Ulysses. So far, so good - I'm about 300 pages (700 total, approximately) in and I'm still going strong. I like books where the author is really trying to screw with the reader's mind, or redefine the conventions of the novel. Joyce seems to do it chapter to chapter - a new experience every fifty pages.

Other that Ulysses, I've been reading a lot of stuff on-line. The more interesting articles are linked under the section "Blogrolling" to the right on this main page.

Blah...life is pretty mundane and boring now...I'm already anticipating next weekend.

[Listening to: "The Boy In The Bubble", by Paul Simon from the album "Graceland"]
Posted by Matthew at June 20, 2004 12:37 AM
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